

Invention of the first automated sprinkler system by Henry S. Parmelee


In the certification process at VdS: the first Smart Sprinkler


Development in Germany

Forerunner of VdS adopts first sprinkler monitoring system

From 1884, sprinkler technology also began to establish itself in Germany — by 1912 there were around 200 systems. Sprinklers initially spread under the term “Fire Extinguishing Shower” in large industrial plants, especially in mills or in textile processing. From the very beginning, the historical roots of VdS were closely linked to this development.


As the number of sprinkler systems grew, so did the realisation that they needed to be maintained on a regular basis and insptected independently of the manufacturer. The Association of German Private Fire Insurance Companies therefore decided to establish a sprinkler commission in 1904. Soon afterwards, the first “Regulations for the Sprinkler Monitoring Service” were published in 1908 and the Sprinkler Monitoring Centre of the private fire insurers was founded – the direct predecessor of the Technical Inspection Services at VdS.

VdS and the sprinkler
